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Enigma Of The Missing Pyramid Bodies – Ancient Egyptian Mystery Remains Unsolved


Ellen Lloyd - - Most mainstream scholars and Egyptologists say that the pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs. The tomb theory, developed by British archaeologist Sir William Flinders Petrie (1853–1942), who excavated eleven royal tombs, is still considered valid today.

Famous archaeologist George Reisner (1867–1942), who found the tomb of Queen Hetepheres I, the mother of King Khufu, who built the Great Pyramid at Giza, agreed with the tomb theory, although both men were aware that the pyramids were empty. It was assumed that since Egyptian nobility frequently buried their loved ones in mastabas in fields surrounding the pyramids, the enigmatic ancient Egyptians structures must have been tombs.

Enigma Of The Missing Pyramid Bodies - Ancient Egyptian Mystery Remains Unsolved

The tomb theory is intriguing, but does it really explain the purpose of the pyramids? Many alternative historians will say that the tomb theory is flawed because no mummy of a pharaoh has ever been discovered in any of the 138 pyramids we have located so far.

Egyptologists explain the absence of mummies in the pyramids by pointing out that tomb raiders must have stolen the bodies from the pyramids in remote antiquity. Pyramids have been looted and this is the reason why we can’t find any ancient bodies inside them. This could be the case, but how do we explain pyramids that contain a perfectly well-preserved sarcophagus that has never been found by looters? Why is the sarcophagus empty when tomb robbers never visited the pyramid? Where is the mummy that was supposed to be buried in the “pyramid tomb”?

In this article, we examine the enigma of the missing pyramid bodies, taking into account both mainstream and alternative opinions that could shed light on this dilemma.

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