Beautiful Legend Of The Christmas Rose – A Symbol Of Love And Hope

Ellen Lloyd - -  There is a beautiful legend behind the Christmas Rose, a flower that is today regarded as a symbol of love and hope. The story carries a powerful message, reminding us of something important when we give gifts during Christmas and show love towards one another.

Beautiful Legend Of The Christmas Rose – A Symbol Of Love And Hope

Credit: Public Domain

The Helleborus nigeror the Christmas Rose, sometimes also called the Snow Rose or Winter Rose, is a magnificent plant that blooms in the mountains of Central Europe during the darkest period of the year when everything else is frozen and buried beneath ice and snow. The Helleborus nigeris not black, as its name suggests. This white flower got its name because of its black roots. Legend tells the Christmas Rose was originally a black plant, but it turned white when baby Jesus was born.

Ancient Medical Use Of The Christmas Rose

Our ancestors have been familiar with the Christmas Rose for thousands of years. The plant was used in medicine as an abortifacient herb and to kill parasites.  Some ancient people were not aware that this evergreen perennial flowering plant is poisonous and should only be used with care under the right circumstances.

When Paracelsus (1493 - 1541), a well-known physician, alchemist, and philosopher, described the Elixir of Life, a universal medicine to gain longevity, his formula contained components of the Christmas Rose.

Modern scientists have found out that the plant contains a glycoside that can help cure heart diseases.

Beautiful Legend Of The Christmas Rose – A Symbol Of Love And Hope

Christmas Rose - Credit: Public Domain

Scientists are re-discovering the long-forgotten healing powers of the Christmas Rose, which can potentially treat Alzheimer's, stroke, and cancer.

Nevertheless, we mustn’t forget that the Christmas Rose is poisonous, and when you’re out walking your dog, don’t let your pet ingest any part of the plant. It’s dangerous to your animal’s health.

Legend Of Madelon Who Gave The Christmas Rose To Baby Jesus

The legend of the Christmas Rose and Madelon is a wonderful and touching tale.

When people heard that baby Jesus had been born, they came to him with gifts. On a cold and wintry night, a young shepherd girl named Madelon saw the three Magi who followed the Star of Bethlehem. When they passed her, she asked them where they were going, and they explained they were on their way to visit the Savior who had been born.

Madelon went with them because she wanted to see the newborn child. When they reached the stable and saw baby Jesus, the Three Wise Men knelt and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Other shepherds came with presents such as honey and fruit.

Beautiful Legend Of The Christmas Rose – A Symbol Of Love And Hope

The Three Wise Men and shepherds admired baby Jesus and gave him gifts, but poor Madelon had nothing to give. Image credit: Public Domain

Standing outside the stable where Jesus had been born, Madelon watched how the baby was surrounded with precious gifts. She was sad and started to cry. She wanted to give baby Jesus something, too, but she was poor and had nothing, not even a flower. She searched, but the hillside was covered with snow, and there were no flowers.

A watching Angel standing outside the stable witnessed the sadness of the poor, young shepherd girl. He felt sorry for Madelon and knew she had been searching for a gift. With one wing, he carefully removed the snow on the ground around her feet. When Madelon’s tears touched the snow-free ground, white flowers suddenly sprang forth at her feet.

Beautiful Legend Of The Christmas Rose – A Symbol Of Love And Hope

Now, Madelon has something she could give baby Jesus. Image credit: Cover from the book The Legend of the Christmas Rose by William H. Hooks (Author), Richard Williams (Illustrator)

“No gold, no frankincense, no myrrh, is as precious, or as fitting a gift for the Prince of Peace as these pure blooms that are born from the pure tears of love, faith, and devotion,” the Angel told her.

Madelon was overjoyed. She now had a gift she could give to baby Jesus, and her gift was the Christmas Rose. The young shepherd girl timidly approached the cradle, knelt, and laid the flowers in the bosom of the sleeping baby. As she did so, baby Jesus awoke and extended his tiny hand towards her, as if he was offering a blessing. Everyone could see Madelon’s Christmas Rose was a gift of her heart and tears.

The Legend of the Christmas Rose

A new perspective of the first Christmas follows nine-year-old Dorothy as she travels to see the Baby Jesus and witnesses the miracle of the Christmas Rose. Read more 

This is why the Christmas Rose is associated with love and hope. The legend of the Christmas Rose reminds us that during Christmas gift-giving, the thought truly counts, and the most precious gifts come from the heart.

Updated on December 12, 2023

Written by Ellen Lloyd –

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