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Peculiar Accounts Of Ancient Flying Metallic Dragons And Bells In China And Japan


Ellen Lloyd - -  Some of the stories we discuss in this article can be regarded either as pure myths or genuine sightings of advanced ancient technology. How to interpret these unusual prehistoric accounts, is up to you.

Peculiar Accounts Of Ancient Flying Metallic Dragons And Bells In China And Japan

Image credit: Stock photo

Those who are convinced a highly sophisticated ancient civilization was once present on Earth, will have much to think about after reading these memories of our ancestors.

Our journey takes us to ancient China and Japan where we take a look at accounts of ancient flying, metallic dragons and bells. Surprisingly we find a curious description in the Bible that suggest there is a connection between these sightings.

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See also:

Traces Of An Unknown Ancient Race Of Winged Beings And Other Mysterious Creatures Discovered In Japan

Bizarre Mummies And Skeletons That May Offer Evidence Strange Mythical Creatures Did Exist

Secret Dwelling Place Of Reptilian And Dragon-Like Creatures In Europe

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