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Ancient Mysteries Of Wisconsin – Great Forgotten Prehistoric Events Shed New Light On History Of North America


A. Sutherland - - There are many interesting ancient places in North America that offer knowledge about our ancestors’ beliefs and clues about mysterious races that played an important role in the distant past.

Ancient Mysteries Of Wisconsin - Great Forgotten Prehistoric Events Shed New Light On History

In Wisconsin we find a unique place of cluster mounds that cannot be found elsewhere in the world. These extraordinary ancient structures are huge and early accounts state they were not built by locals, but rather a race of mysterious beings that once inhabited this part of the world. We should also not forget that several bird mounds of Wisconsin are of gigantic proportions, and they can be best admired from the air. Interestingly, some of these ancient mounds are mentioned in a very curious legend that tell a remarkable story of a very unusual ancient battle.

Myths, legends and archaeological discoveries remind us of great forgotten prehistoric events that can shed new light on the history of Wisconsin. Our journey through North America continues and this time, we take a look at some fascinating ancient mysteries of Wisconsin.

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