Secrets Of The Cathars – Mysterious Manuscript Of Jesus And His Pre-Flood Language

Ellen Lloyd - - The execution of the Cathars is a sad story in European history. Catharism was widespread in many European countries from the 11th to the beginning of the 14th century. Most Cathars lived in Southern France, but they were also present in Italy, Spain, Germany, and Flanders, the Dutch-speaking northern portion of Belgium.

Secrets Of The Cathars - Mysterious Manuscript Of Jesus And His Pre-Flood Language

In the eyes of the Catholic Church, Cathars were heretics, and this was the reason why they were long persecuted. The Cathars did their best to fight the Knights Templar for many years, and some Catholics even tried to protect these heretics, but in the end, they couldn’t resist the strong Christian army. The brutal massacre and execution of the Cathars is a dark chapter in our history books. Hundreds of thousands of Cathars, regardless of age and sex, were slaughtered in the most horrible manner one can possibly imagine.

Although the Cathars believed in Jesus Christ, the Vatican did not recognize their belief as Christian. The Cathars were a peaceful people who lived a simple life. They considered themselves good Christians, but the Catholic Church had a different opinion.

Cathars’ religion is very complex, and they were very spiritual people who believed a good person should be peaceful, show kindness, and help those in need.

Digging deeper into the beliefs of the Cathars, we find that the heretics' alternative views about Jesus could be truly troublesome to the Catholic Church.

Cathars’ mysterious manuscript attributed to Jesus and their secret knowledge of the Pre-flood language could be threatening to Christianity. But why?

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