A Scientist’s Powerful Dream Revealed An Extraordinary Archaeological Discovery

Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Most of us would say that we’ve had unusual dreams we cannot easily explain. There is a saying that dreams we remember and can recall in detail are the most important ones. Some people have dreamed about future events. Others say they have seen unfamiliar places and unknown people.

Curiously, often, years later people suddenly find themselves in a place that is identical to what they’ve experienced in their vivid dream. They also meet people they’ve dreamed about, but never seen before. The science behind dreams if fascinating and the subject keeps captivating modern researchers.

A Scientist’s Powerful Dream Revealed An Extraordinary Archaeological Discovery

Our ancestors were just as curious about dreams as we are. Many ancient civilizations believed dreams were a type of gateways leading to unknown realm that existed beyond this reality, a belief many modern people share, as you can read about in an article published by MessageToEagle.com that deals with the possibility that some of our dreams may be glimpses from a parallel world.

To learn about the future our ancestors had books that described different meanings associated with dreams. Ancient Egyptians had their Dream Book, a hieratic papyrus currently kept at the British Museum, that lists of a number of dreams and their interpretations.

Ancient Chinese relied on the Book of Changes - I Ching that was used as an aid to foretell the future and make decisions for thousands of years.

However, this story is not about ancient dream interpretations, but something unusual that happened to a prominent scientist who through his remarkable dream made one of the world’s greatest archaeological discoveries. How it all happened remains an unexplained mystery, but his archaeological discovery is just as intriguing as his peculiar dream...

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