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Perplexing Accounts Of Ancient People Who Demonstrated Incredible Powers Of The Human Mind


A. Sutherland - - Every now and then we read news about a prodigy child or an adult who has demonstrated unusual brain powers.

Much about the human brain that features some incredibly intricate parts, remains a mystery and researchers still struggle to understand, how this three-pound organ is able to work during an amazing length of time.

Why do for example some of us have out-of-this world memory or astonishing photographic mind?

Perplexing Accounts Of Ancient People Who Demonstrated Incredible Powers Of The Human Mind

Sometimes we have difficulties to recall what happened yesterday or a week ago. When we read a book, we tend to forget most of it soon. Our memory does not improve with age.

However, there are several accounts of people who could memorize everything they heard or read, all languages and entire books.

In many cases, this astonishing ability to perform amazing feats of memory has been undesirable.
One can only imagine how difficult and tiresome it must be to be unable to forget anything. Sooner or later, people with expanded memory must suffer ill effects from brain overload.

Sometimes, it happens that we want to forget some facts, some events we read about and usually we succeed. Unfortunately, not all of us can forget certain events or information we received.

There are many remarkable old accounts of people with very special and powerful brains. We will now examine some of the most extraordinary ancient people who demonstrated incredible powers of the human mind that baffle modern science.

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