Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Like many other Native American teachings, the Seven Fires Prophecy comes with a powerful message to future generations. It tells us that we are architects of our own fate and have two choices if we wish to survive.
The Anishinaabe people still wait for their Seven Fires Prophecy to be fulfilled. It deals with the fate of Turtle Island, a Native American name for North America, but it also concerns the rest of the world.
This prophecy is spiritually encoded in the wampum belt of the Anishinaabe that has been passed down for generations. Wampum belts existed long before the European contact with the Native Americans. They were used as the official tribal records, to keep historical records, to commemorate important events such as festivals, or served as public records of treaties.
Seven Prophets Came To The Anishinaabe People
The Indians learned about the Seven Fires Prophecy during their encounter with the seven prophets who taught them how a good person should live and revealed the secrets of the seven fires. In what way can modern people living in North America relate to the Seven Fires Prophecy? The Anishinaabe people think much of what we experience in our modern world shows the prophecy will be fulfilled. But will these anticipated future events create a better world?
The Anishinaabe - often translated as "first man," "original man," or "good person" - refers to several different tribes living in Canada and the United States.
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