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Unusual Biblical Cloud – What Was This Perplexing Atmospheric Phenomenon?


Ellen Lloyd - - There are many unusual objects, events and people mentioned in the Bible. Some Biblical accounts can be interpreted in various ways and there are passages in the Holy Book that even Biblical scholars admit they cannot explain.

Unusual Biblical Cloud - What Was This Perplexing Atmospheric Phenomenon?

We have previously discussed several Biblical mysteries, such as for example the Urim and Thummim that were used as God’s puzzling communication devices.

We have raised the possibility that Adam was a giant who emerged from an underground world. We have talked about why the Cherubim in the Scriptures were far from as sweet as modern artists depict them, and why Moses had to wear a mask after visiting God on Mount Sinai.

These are just a few examples of all Biblical mysteries we have examined so far. This time we take a closer look at one unusual Biblical cloud. The Holy Book is filled with accounts of peculiar clouds. Some of them appear to be “normal” clouds, but there are also passages describing a perplexing atmospheric phenomenon worthy of further investigation.

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See also:

Mysterious Ancient Inscriptions Never Meant To Be Read – Biblical Secrets Revealed

Unraveling The Mystery Of A Lost Biblical Underground World – Is A Precious Ancient Artifact The Answer?

Ancient Cities Built By Biblical Giants – Archaeological Evidence

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