Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Among the Native Americans there are many fascinating myths describing how life merged on our planet.
One very beautiful myth tells about a remarkable god-like being who came down from the skies, took the appearance of a human man and spread wisdom and knowledge among mortals. Once his mission was completed, he ascended back to the stars in his fast flying shining canoe.
The legend of Tarenyawagon comes from the Iroquois, a League or Confederacy of tribes in the Northeastern part of America. As mentioned in our previous article, two great Native American heroes Hiawatha and the Great Peacemaker managed to unite five tribes, the Cayuga, Onondaga, Mohawk, Seneca, and Oneida. Later, in the 1700s, the Tuscarora tribe joined.
The story of Tarenyawagon occasionally reflects some of the accomplishments of Hiawatha, which is the reason why he is occasionally considered a demi-god. The difference is that Tarenyawagon was a god-like being who existed in the realm of mythology, while Hiawatha was a real historical person.
Still, putting aside the supernatural abilities of Tarenyawagon, the stories about these two individuals are striking similar. What conclusions can we draw from the legend about Tarenyawagon and the history of Hiawatha?
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