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Raven: Uncommonly Intelligent Bird, Symbol Of Providence, Wisdom And Prophecy

Raven: Uncommonly Intelligent Bird, Symbol Of Providence, Wisdom And Prophecy

A. Sutherland - - Raven was prominent in myths and legends of many ancient cultures. It was considered a magical and elusive animal that symbolized both good and evil.

Like a scavenger, he belonged to the chthonic sphere and was gifted with the ability to fly to the heavenly realm.

Elijah Fed by the Raven.  Image credit: Girolamo Savoldo (1480–1548) - source

The raven – an uncommonly intelligent bird – was a symbol of hope, according to Suetonius (c. 69 – after 122 AD), a Roman historian belonging to the equestrian order who wrote during the early Imperial era of the Roman Empire.

The Ravens Feed Elijah

Elijah, a prophet and a miracle worker, lived in the northern kingdom of Israel, and according to the Books of Kings in the Hebrew Bible, he was fed by ravens during drought.

In Kings 17:1–24, Elijah said to Ahab, "I serve Adonai, the God of Israel who tells me that there will be no dew or rain except when I tell it to." Adonai said to Elijah, "Leave this place and go to the Wadi Cherith. You will drink from the wadi, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." Elijah did as Adonai had told him, he went and stayed by the Wadi Cherith.

1697 Jan Luyken (1649-1712), Elijah Fed by Ravens, Etching, 1697. Image credit: Jan Luyken (1649-1712) - Public Domain

The ravens brought him bread and meat every morning and every evening, and he drank from the wadi..."

Also, In Luke 12:24, We Read:

"Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!'

There are more examples of bringing bread by ravens, and one such miracle is repeated in the life of Saint Paul of Thebes (also known as Paul, the First Hermit), who lived in the mountainous caves.

The leaves of a palm tree provided him with clothing, and the fruit was his only food source until he was 43. One day, a raven started bringing him half a loaf of bread daily so that Paul would remain in that cave for the rest of his life (almost a hundred years).

Raven – A Symbol Of Safety

The ravens at the Tower of London symbolize safety and protection. They have been kept in this historical place for over a thousand years due to an ancient legend that the country would be safe from aggressors while ravens dwell there.

This ancient belief is so deep-rooted that even not very long ago when the raven population at the Tower declined significantly during the Second World War, Winston Churchill arranged that ravens be "imported" from Wales to keep the country safe.

Raven – Among The Most Intelligent Birds In The World

The raven has a playful nature, acts like a trickster, and is one of the most intelligent birds.

Hugin and Mugin- ravens of god Odin

It has long been considered a prophetic bird of dawn (cawing the day) and a symbol of knowledge and omniscience. In some societies, the raven is as important as an eagle; like the eagle, the raven has few natural predators except for man.

Unlike the eagle, ravens work together for the benefit of the group. As such, they symbolize the benefits of teamwork.

Raven In Celtic Mythology And Tradition

The raven was also a prophetic bird in the Celtic myths. Celtic mythology connects ravens with gods and, more specifically, their feminine aspect. Morrígan, who met a great mythical Irish hero Cuchulainn, was one of such mythological figures associated with a crow or raven.

Morrigan was a great shapeshifter phantom queen who, in disguise of a raven or crow, used to fly over the battlefields to control the course of a battle, for she could invoke fear or courage in a fighter's heart.

When she disguised herself as a crow, she was called Badb.

Symbol Of  Creator In Native American Beliefs

The raven is a symbol of the Creator and, therefore, is a powerful protector of humankind. Myths tell that the bird not only made the Universe but also discovered and looked after the first man on earth. There are beliefs about the shape-shifting abilities of the raven; as such, it is the preferred bird of shamans, who converse with the birds to discover what the Gods have in store for humankind.

According to Tanaina mythology, the cultural hero Raven created two women who founded the tribe's moieties, two social (or ritual groups) into which some North American Indians are divided. The moieties, in turn, were divided into clans.

Ravens Constant Companions Of God Odin In Norse Mythology

Ravens in Norse mythology are close to Odin and the Valkyries. These birds were associated with wisdom. Two of them - Hugin and Munin - were Odin's ravens that acted as wise advisers and messengers, reporting what was happening in every corner of the earth. Hugin and Munin are not common ravens; they have special abilities.

They could fly very fast, visit the Nine Worlds in only one day and come back just in time for Odin's dinner. They had extraordinary observation skills and could understand and speak human language.

Written by – A. Sutherland  - Senior Staff Writer

Updated on July 28, 2022

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References:  Jewish Practice

Gospel of St. Luke

Leeming, D. The Oxford Companion to World Mythology

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