Secrets Of The Lost Tomb X – Enigmatic Boxes And Unusual Samples – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd - - In part 1 of this series, our good friend who is who is an American historian and researcher discussed how he was guided by natives who wanted to show him something of great historical value. Most intriguing were the mysterious manuscripts and their contents. Why did the original manuscripts suddenly vanished?

Secrets Of The Lost Tomb X - Enigmatic Boxes And Unusual Samples - Part 2

He also talked about the conversations he had with people talked about events, artifacts and individuals who shaped history of ancient Egypt. Having a guide who had government license, he was also allowed to visit private areas not open to the general public, and there he came across something rather odd.

In this part, we continue our long journey and examine the mysterious ancient boxes along with some unusual samples that could solve some unanswered questions about Egypt’s enigmatic past.


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