Strange Case Of The ‘Impossible’ Glove Remains Unexplained – The Discovery – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd - - He and his friend were jogging when they suddenly spotted pieces of strange bluish metal lying scattered in the middle of the desert.

The debris looked unfamiliar, and unlike anything they had seen before.

Strange Case Of The 'Impossible' Glove Remains Unexplained - The Discovery - Part 1

Next to the debris, he noticed a glove made of unusual material. It was much too small for a normal-seized human. Could the glove belong to a child? Why couldn’t he recognize the material?

He was in convinced that the artifact he discovered was genuine, and so he made attempts to solve the mystery and learn more about this perplexing object, but it was easier said than done.

This time our unexplained mystery deals with a strange case involving a puzzling glove is made of material unknown to modern science.

Read part 2

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Danger Lurking In The Woods – Unknown Force And Mysterious Lights – Part 1 - 3

Dangerous Underground Secret In The Valley No-One Dares To Enter

Bizarre And Unexplained Phenomenon That Defied The Laws Of Nature

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