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Ancient Village Of Zalipie Where Flowers Are Painted On All Houses

Conny Waters - - The ancient village of Zalipie, located not far from Krakow in Poland is probably the most colorful village in Europe.

The ancient tradition of painting flowers on houses started about a century ago and is still practiced. People who visit Zalipie will find unique paintings of flowers not only on houses, but barns, furniture, walls and objects. There are 30 houses in the village and all of them are covered with flower patterns.

Everything started in the late nineteenth century when women wanted to hide some faults on their homes. Not having access to professional equipment, they produced brushes using hair from the tails of their cows and paint was made from dumplings, powdered dye and milk.

People can achieve the most amazing things with little material and women in Zalipie painted beautiful flowers with simple tools. This tradition continued during the WWII, and is still practiced today.


One woman, Felicja Curylowa (1904 – 1974)  was especially dedicated to keeping the painting of lowers tradition alive. She covered every surface of her three-bedroom cottage, no matter how small or large with flower patterns. After her death, her beautiful home was turned into a museum.

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One of the most fascinating things about the flower patterns is that each and single one is unique. Every painter has used imagination to produce something truly exceptional. Even if the entire village is covered with flowers, one cannot find the identical patterns because they are all different.

A room inside Felicja Curylowa’s cottage in Zalipie, Poland. Credit:

So, it’s not surprising that Zalipie is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Poland. It’s a great place to visit for those who enjoy simple life, far away from daily stress and want to admire wonderful art and appreciate a tradition that will hopefully never die.

Written by Conny Waters – Staff Writer

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