Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - The Hollow Earth theory is as controversial as ever. The idea that our planet could be hollow sounds ridiculous to most people, and yet there are serious scientists who suggest we must examine this possibility.
Which scientific facts speak in support of the Hollow Earth theory? Do any of these facts really make sense?
In what way has modern scientific thinking changed regarding the structure of the Earth?
Many people who are new to the subject, will be shocked by the idea of the existence of a subterranean world. Some will say it is absurd and impossible, because if it existed it would certainly have been discovered a long time ago.
This is a valid point, but it cannot be denied that scientists to have penetrated only a few miles inside the Earth and the region further down remains unknown. Could this explain some of the ancient legends describing the existence of mysterious underground worlds and subterranean civilizations?
In this article we will examine the Hollow Earth theory from a scientific point of view. We will introduce our readers to many essential questions and answers. Our goal is to investigate why some scientists propose certain conditions and facts indicate the Hollow Earth theory could be valid.
All evidence collected by Hollow Earth researchers indicate such underground world inhabited by an unknown technologically advanced race does in fact exist.
Many feel information about this mysterious subterranean world has been suppressed.
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See also:
Underground Civilizations – True Rulers Of Earth – Part 1 - 2
Mysterious Ancient Underground King And Ruler Of The World – Who Was He? Part 1 -2
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