Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - In part 1 of this series we presented the thought-provoking theory our ancestors may have had knowledge of dimensional gates leading to other worlds.
The discovery of such interdimensional portals would undoubtedly be one of the greatest historical moments we could ever experience as humans, but why do we assume knowledge of these hidden worlds have been either forgotten or lost? Where can we find evidence supporting such wild ideas?
On our long journey, we examine clues found in ancient texts, mysterious structures and scientific statements. We will now continue to elaborate on the intriguing subject. This time we examine lost ancient knowledge of geomantic energy vortices and the secrets of the Shining Ones.
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See also:
Ezekiel’s Secret Ancient Knowledge About Lost Worlds – Thought-Provoking Theory Examined
Ancient Depictions Of Eyes Reveal The Untold Story Of The Human Race – Professor Discovered
Ancient Mystery Of The Before – Time People – Traces Of An Unknown Lost Race – Part 1 - 2
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