Matthew LaCroix - - We continue where we finished in part 1 of this series.
Evidence shows that the Flag of Mexico actually represents the historical account of how the Maya and Aztec civilizations eventually became corrupted and destroyed by the eagle. The seal and Flag of Mexico is shown below in Figure 4.
Figure 4
Society is taught that these conquistadors of the Americas (under the banner of the eagle) were heroes and to revere their actions as admirable, yet the facts of history tell a far different story. In the version we’re given in school, Christopher Columbus was sent by Spain westward across the Atlantic Ocean, to locate a new trade route to Asia. This deception can be easily exposed when objectively studying the historical account of these events.
When Columbus first reached the Americas in 1492 (near the present-day Bahamas), he was met by the peaceful Lucayan people of the region, a branch of the Taíno tribe that lived throughout the Caribbean islands. Columbus immediately began interrogating them after noticing the gold jewelry they were wearing around their necks. The next action Columbus took (while supposedly searching for a western trade route) was to take slaves of the Lucayan people and force them into leading his party to where they had acquired the gold.
This information greatly contradicts what we’ve been taught and provides compelling evidence to show the true purpose for his journey to the “New World.”
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See also:
Ancient Mystery Of The Menorah – Enigmatic Sacred Object With Complex History
Mystery Of Acoma – Sky City Of And People Of The White Rock Reveal A Surprise
The Aztec Sun Stone And Medusa Reveal An Intriguing Connection – Surprising Discovery – Part 1 - 2