Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - The Knights Templar had many secrets and we have successfully unraveled some of them, but certainly not all.
Many historians will admit mystery surrounds virtually every aspect of the Christian military order. Following their dramatic persecution, punishment for alleged heresy and demise, the Knights Templar struggled until the end to keep some of their greatest secrets. They met in secret underground chambers, used complex symbols we still cannot decipher, and some believe the Templars’ occult ancient knowledge was transmitted to future generations of secret societies.
The Knights Templar left behind strange messages we are trying to comprehend, and it’s not an easy task because the Order had an obsession with secrecy.
In a small French village, we came across an unusual carving made by the Knights Templar. Some of the details of the carving challenge our understanding of the knights who fought so bravely in the name of Christianity. The carving doesn’t make any sense, or does it?
Can the hidden symbolism behind this ancient carving shed new light on the Knights Templar’ esoteric knowledge? Did they deliberately produce this carving for future generations? Was their goal to tell the truth about themselves and reveal how they may have been misunderstood?
Did the Knights Templar reject one of the strongest beliefs of Christianity? The ancient carving is unsettling, but it could shed new light on the history of the Knights Templar.
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See also:
Mystery Of The Lost Beverina Castle – Did Knights Templar Know Where It Was?
Secrets Of The Cathars – Mysterious Manuscript Of Jesus And His Pre-Flood Language