New Discoveries In the Valley Of The Monkeys In Luxor, Egypt
Conny Waters - - Egyptian archaeologists have discovered 30 workshops in the industrial area. At the site, there are houses for storage and the cleaning of the funerary furniture and many potteries dated to the 18th Dynasty.
Artifacts are displayed during the presentation of a new discovery in the Monkey Valley near the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt October 10, 2019. Reuters/Mohamed Abd El Ghany
Archaeologists had been working in the Valley of the Monkeys near the Valley of the Kings at Luxor’a western bank of the Nile River, since 2017.
In the manufacturing area, excavations revealed a deep cut that was given number KV (T) fronted by an oven that was used for clay and pottery burning, and a water storage tank that had been used by workers to drink daily.
Additional discoveries include a scarab ring, hundreds of inlay beads and golden objects that were used to decorate royal coffins and some of the inlays that are known as the wings of Horus.
Ancient tools used in tomb-building. Image credit: Ministry of Antiquities
The excavation team’s leader, Zahi Hawass, said that work is currently underway in the western valley to search for the tomb of Queen Nefertiti and the tomb of her daughter as well as the tomb of King Tutankhamun’s wife Queen Ankhesenamun.
Additionally, the Egyptologist added that the area located between the tombs of King Amenhotep III and king Ay contains the tombs of the Amarna family.
Various finds including ring, metal objects, and pottery vessels. Image credit: Ministry of Antiquities
The mission is also working to unearth the tombs of King Amenhotep I and King Tuthmose II and Ramses VIII, and the works are conducted in the vicinity of the tombs of King Ramses VII, Queen Hatshepsut, and King Ramses III and behind King Merneptah’s tomb.
He confirmed that the mission has excavated next to the tomb of King Tutankhamun and found many important artifacts set to be announced during the press conference, including forty-two small labor huts where workers were putting the tools they used to build the tombs before they left the valley to the monastery of the city.
Expand for referencesWritten by Conny Waters - Staff Writer