Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - We all know that coincidences do happen, but some events can be so strange it’s almost impossible to call them coincidences.
The definition of a coincidence is “a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.”
This brings us to today's subject dealing with a strange case of an Italian doppelganger who has been documented, but historians do not pay much attention to this strange event. This case has never been solved and no-one has ever attempted to shed light on the incident because it’s just an unusual story based on puzzling coincidences.
However, as we discuss this historical event, we will look a little deeper and search for answers beyond conventional wisdom.
As mentioned earlier, the existence of so-called Doppelgangers and spirit doubles is an ancient and widespread belief.
According to legend, Doppelgangers (Doppelgängers- German for "double-walker") is a duplicate of a real person. It is someone that looks the same as another person, yet is not a twin. Mystics throughout the ages have believed Doppelgangers and spirit doubles are supernatural creatures. They are either spiritual copies of the person or downright demonic twins.
It has long been said that seeing one's double or "alter ego' is considered a bad omen, and research of many doppelganger cases supports this view.
Some doppelganger cases are so extraordinary that philosophers and quantum physicists wondered whether simultaneous events in two people's lives can be proof of parallel timelines. Is it possible that timelines in parallel universe occasionally collide resulting in puzzling and unexplainable encounters with doppelgangers?
There is still no solid evidence parallel universes do exist, but more and more scientists are convinced our world is surrounded by many parallel worlds that are invisible to the naked eye.
The strange case of the Italian doppelganger led to a tragedy, but it seems there was no way to escape fate.
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Those Who Mysteriously Disappeared To A World Beyond Human Understanding
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