Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – In part 1 we discussed the Cherokee legend of the Moon-Eyed people and some archaeological discoveries that may offer evidence these enigmatic people exist.
We talked about certain expeditions and explorers who tried to find traces of the Moon-Eyed people, and in the middle of all this, we encountered a strange Runic tablet and an unusual discovery in North Dakota that may hold the clues to our ancient mystery.
As mentioned in part 1, there are historians and other scientists who are convinced the Moon-Eyed people exist because they claim they’ve lived among this little known ancient race that is also known under a different name.
As we continue our journey through North America, we focus our attention on curious myths, a very old written account and other discoveries that contribute to an even better understanding of the mysterious Moon-Eyed people. We discuss more intriguing clues that offer evidence of the Moon-Eyed people.
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See also:
Ancient Mystery Of The American Southwest – Secrets Of The Cliff Dwellers – Part 1 - 2
Gold Treasures Of Ancient King Discovered In North America Create Historical Problems