Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – As soon as he learned about the possible existence of a legendary ancient treasure, he decided to investigate the claims. He understood that he must come up with a cunning idea to come near the place he longed to explore. So, he wrote several letters explaining the issue, and authorities granted him permission to excavate at the ancient site.
This was the beginning of a long, complicated and strange story that historians are still discussing. He spent years searching for one of the most important historical objects of all time, but what did he really find?
According to his own testimonies, he uncovered something of incredible value, and the discovery was surprising, even to himself. Then, something unexpected happened and there are some unsettling versions of the story. Will we ever learn the truth?
Today’s article takes us on a long journey to ancient France, where we explore secret subterranean labyrinths, secret passages, and discuss a man’s hunt for a magnificent ancient treasure that still remains an unexplained mystery.
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Secrets Of The Cathars – Mysterious Manuscript Of Jesus And His Pre-Flood Language