Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – We continue our journey following the man who was determined to unearth a legendary treasure.
As discussed in part 1, after being granted permission from the authorities he started to excavate, and he was so busy that he forgot all the important events taking place around him.
Our history books are filled with accounts of treasure seekers and many modern explorers still continue to look for priceless ancient artifacts, but this man’s story is different in many ways. What began as an innocent treasure hunt, ended as a historical mystery and a personal disaster.
He kept digging, year after year, but he was an old man and he needed to help. An old friend came to assist him with the excavation. He was so eager to find the legendary treasure that he excavated more than he was allowed to, and that’s when he discovered something extraordinary, and then, he was suddenly no longer permitted to continue his excavations!
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See also:
Ancient Secrets Of The Amazon Jungle – Dangerous Expeditions And Hidden Treasures – Part 1 - 2