Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com - When the first modern European arrived on the shores of North America they noticed to their surprise that another civilization from their continent had already been there.
For a long time, we have been led to believe that Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to "discover" America, but in recent years as new evidence emerged, our understanding of history has changed.
It’s still unknown who came to America first. The continent has been visited by many advanced ancient civilizations long before Columbus reached the New World.
There is interesting archaeological evidence that could shed more light on our ancestor’s journeys to North America. Unfortunately, it happens far too often that interesting ancient artifacts are dismissed without being properly investigated.
Several curious and unusual artifacts have been found in Texas, North Carolina, Ohio, Georgia, and Oklahoma. Some will say these artifacts are anomalous, but there is also a possibility they reveal and unknown chapter in the ancient history of North America.
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