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Ancient Calendar Predicted The Coronavirus And Other Disasters In 2020 – History Researcher Says


Conny Waters – – One should always be careful when interpreting symbols on ancient calendars, but a history researcher says a 2,000-year-old calendar does predict the difficult times we are facing now, including the coronavirus outbreak.

The ancient calendar, which is called "12 Hayvanli Türk Takvimi" ("12-Animals Turkic Calendar"), was created and used by Central Asian Turks as far back as 209 B.C.

Ancient Calendar Predicted The Coronavirus And Other Disasters In 2020 – History Researcher Says

Left: 12 Hayvanli Türk Takvimi calendar. Image source - Left: Coronavirus - Image source

In the calendar, 12 different animals each represent a year. The names of the years rotate and include: rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, fish, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog and pig. 2020 is known as the year of the rat on the calendar.

Oğuzhan Türk, a history researcher from eastern Turkey's Erzurum province, says prophecies in the ancient Turkish calendar used by Turks over 2,000 years ago could be coming true. For the year of the rat in 2020, these prophecies include locust infestations, fires, earthquakes, and epidemics.

Oğuzhan Türk who studied the ancient calendar said the prophecies in the calendar are striking, indicating that many of the predictions for the year 2020 have come true, with locust swarms in Iran, great fires in Australia, devastating earthquakes in Elazig and the coronavirus pandemic.

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“The researcher pointed out that although most of the incidents predicted for the year of the rat have taken place early in 2020, the calendar foresees that there will be bloodshed due to mischief that will occur in and around Northwest Africa; many places will be damaged by rain and hail and looting, and pillaging and theft will escalate in the second half of the year,” Daily Sabah reports.

“Since we are in the spring months, we may still face rain and hail, after the locust invasion and virus envisaged for the year 2020. But hopefully, these predicted events will not happen,” Oğuzhan Türk said.

Is A Plant The Solution To The Coronavirus?

According to Türk, a coronavirus-like epidemic, called “zatülcenb” (pleuritis) on the calendar, has symptoms that include fever, chills, cough, unstable pulse and breathing failure – all of which leads to a painful death.

Credit: Public Domain

He also noted that the remedy for the disease is the plant “udi hindi,” which is also known as kusti bahri.

He added: “The year 2020 we are in is called the year of the rat in the old Turkish calendar. The coronavirus is mentioned as one of the prophecies on the calendar.

The udi hindi plant is referenced as its solution." Emphasizing that the active ingredient in this plant could be an answer for the disease.

Türk stated that the information included in the calendar is a method of handing down the experiences of those who lived at that time, emphasizing that these calendars are not indeed prophecy, fortune telling or doomsday predictions. He said that they consist of information and repeated experiences so that people can be informed and take precautions.

“Since the culture of researching and reading old sources has declined in our country, when someone called a soothsayer in Europe mentions such incidents, what he says becomes a current topic on the agenda and his words become a matter of curiosity. However, ancient people formed their lives according to these calendars for a long time,” he concluded.

Written by Conny Waters - Staff Writer

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