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Skull From Broken Hill, Zambia Is Relatively Young – New Analysis Shows

The Broken Hill (Kabwe 1) skull is one of the best-preserved fossils of Homo heidelbergensis. Credit: Natural History Museum London.

Conny Waters - - Griffith University scientists have led an international team to date the skull of an early human found in Africa, potentially upending human evolution knowledge with their discovery.

The Broken Hill (Kabwe 1) skull is one of the best-preserved fossils of Homo heidelbergensis. Credit: Natural History Museum London.

The Broken Hill (Kabwe 1) skull is one of the best-preserved fossils of the early human species Homo heidelbergensis and was estimated to be about 500,000 years old. It was initially designated as the type specimen of Homo rhodesiensis, but recently it has often been included in the taxon Homo heidelbergensis

Professor Rainer Grün from the Environmental Futures Research Institute led the team which analyzed the skull and other fossil human remains found in the vicinity including a tibia and femur midshaft fragment.

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Discovered in 1921 by miners in Zambia, the Broken Hill remains have been difficult to date due to their haphazard recovery and the site being completely destroyed by quarrying.

Using radiometric dating methods, Professor Grün's analyses now puts the skull at a relatively young date, estimating it is between 274,000 and 324,000 years old.

Credit: Griffith University

The research also suggests that human evolution in Africa around 300,000 years ago was a much more complex process, with the co-existence of different human lineages.

"Previously, the Broken Hill skull was viewed as part of a gradual and widespread evolutionary sequence in Africa from archaic humans to modern humans. But now it looks like the primitive species Homo naledi survived in southern Africa, H. heidelbergensis was in Central Africa, and early forms of our species existed in regions like Morocco and Ethiopia," Professor Chris Stringer said.

Professor Grün said his team's research adds to new and emerging studies that question the mode of modern human evolution in Africa and whether Homo heidelbergensis is a direct ancestor of our species.

Publishing their findings and methodology in Nature, Professor Grün said that "the new best age estimate of the fossil impacts our understanding of the tempo and mode of modern human origins.

The material is curated at the Natural History Museum in London, where collaborators Professor Chris Stringer and Senior Curator Michael Rumsey work.

Written by Conny Waters - Staff Writer

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