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Author’s Encounter With A Mysterious Not Of This World Entity Inside Callixtus Catacombs

Ellen Lloyd - - The Catacombs of St. Callixtus in Rome, Italy, hold the remains of sixteen popes, several martyrs, and around half a million Christians. Nine of those popes were buried in the famous Crypt of the Popes.

The underground burial chambers, named after Callixtus who at the time of their construction was the deacon of Rome, under Pope Zephyrinus have long been a popular tourist attraction. Callixtus was later elected Pope and eventually martyred for his Christian beliefs.

The Catacombs of St. Callixtus are now naturally closed due to the coronavirus outbreak, but those who visited this rather gloomy place say they experienced something strange there.

Among these people are two authors who report a very strange encounter with a mysterious entity they believed was not of this world. What did they see and why were they under the impression this being was not of this world? Did they accidentally catch a glimpse of someone from another reality?

There is one particular aspect of this case that makes the experience very unusual, to say the least.

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