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Baffling North American Ancient Skulls Contradict Historical Timelines And Mainstream Theories

Ellen Lloyd - - Studies of ancient North American history can be as rewarding a frustrating. Just when we think we have figured out how and when the first people dispersed across the New World, we stumble across a new archaeological finding that contradicts our current theory.

When new evidence emerges, we must reevaluate our theory and start from scratch attempting to establish a new historical timeline. This is what happens all the time when archaeologists and historians try to understand the origins of Americans.

There are of course many interesting and plausible theories that offer clues who the first Americans were, but each and one of these theories comes with some unanswered questions.

In this article, we examine several baffling ancient skulls that raise more questions than answers. Frankly, as researchers say, these prehistoric skulls clearly contradict historical timelines, but the ancient remains also offer valuable hints that shed more light on the early life of our ancestors.

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