Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Is it possible the relationship between America, Canada, and Europe goes much further back in time than previously thought?
By researching the ancient history of certain people we can uncover evidence that defies mainstream history.
A comparison between ancient peoples’ traditions, customs, appearances, and beliefs can help us uncover prehistoric relationship we never thought existed.
There are several examples of ancient cultural exchange between North America and other continents, and we have discussed many interesting historical cases in previous articles.
Today it’s time for yet another ancient mystery that gives us much to ponder. We focus our attention on the Micmac who may carry an ancient historical secret we are about to uncover. Our historical journey takes us from one continent to another looking for clues that can help us to reconstruct a lost piece of ancient history.
If our assumptions and evidence are valid, the secret of the Micmac, who are also known the Red Earth people has the potential to re-write history. Is it still possible to bring to light memory of a valuable historical connection that has almost been lost to the sands of time?
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