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Tribe Recalls Ancient Contact With An Extraterrestrial In The Amazon Jungle And A Strange Beam Of Light

Ellen Lloyd - - Many American tribes recall a time, a very long time ago when Star People guided humanity. Similar accounts, describing the important activities of our Star ancestors can be found in every corner of the world.

Appearing under different names mysterious Star People left an everlasting legacy on our world, and their existence can be one reason why we sometimes have difficulties to piece together our ancient history.

If we are stubborn and reluctant to embrace what may seem “impossible”, we can dismiss stories of our ancestors as fantasies. However, the more open-minded truth-seeker will agree that some ancient accounts of the past are more than baffling, and certain myths indicate an intelligent alien civilization may have visited our planet in the distant past.

If we search for ancient extraterrestrial wreckage that can offer evidence supporting our theory, we will be disappointed. It’s unlikely we will ever discover a piece of an ancient extraterrestrial spaceship, but there are other ways to gain information about the ancient Star People.

It’s reasonable to wonder whether myths can be taken as a fossil of history. Accepting all myths and legends as true accounts of the past would be naïve, but some ancient memories of our ancestors certainly deserve more attention and investigation. Just remember, not so long ago, cities like Dwarka and Troy were labeled mythical places. Today archaeologists have successfully proven their existence. In the fourth century, Euhemerus,  a Greek writer on myth an history at the court of Macedonia wisely said: “Myth is history in disguise.” The great Greek ancient philosopher Aristotle was of a similar opinion. Aristotle once wrote: “Our forefathers in the most remote ages have handed down to their posterity a tradition in the form of a myth.”

It’s certainly not unreasonable to argue that behind most myths there is often an actual historical event.

One of the most interesting accounts describing what appears to be ancient extraterrestrial contact comes from the Amazon jungle where a tribe recalls a very unusual being who was not of this world. The natives also tell a strange beam of light, powerful and dangerous high-tech weapons and physical abilities unknown among Earthlings. Who was this mysterious visitor? What did he do that left an everlasting impression on this tribe living in the jungle?

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