Does A Baffling Artifact Offer Evidence Of Ancient Extraterrestrial Visitation In New Zealand? – The Discovery – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd - - Those who believe in the ancient astronauts’ theory always look for convincing proof our planet was visited by a highly advanced alien civilization in the distant past.

In the world of mythology and legends, there are countless stories that give us serious reasons to consider gods and goddesses were of extraterrestrial origin, and these enigmatic and powerful beings were the creators of mankind. Several puzzling mythological events and objects can be explained if we use the ancient aliens’ hypothesis.

Does A Baffling Artifact Offer Evidence Of Ancient Extraterrestrial Visitation In New Zealand? - The Discovery - Part 1

However, as much as we enjoy mythology and legends, we cannot base the ancient astronauts’ theory on unconfirmed memories of our ancestors. Having said this, we mustn’t forget that some myths provide strong indications humans were genetically engineered by beings who came from space.

Nevertheless, students and fans of the ancient alien’s theory want stronger evidence of prehistoric extraterrestrial visitations.

The best thing would be if we could come across physical evidence left behind by ancient astronauts, but as we all know that is easier said than done. Yet, there are certain prehistoric objects and places that do strengthen the ancient aliens’ hypothesis.

Late Stephen Hawking once said: “I believe alien life is quite common in the universe.” He was not the only one to believe and suggest our vast universe may be home to many advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

So, if extraterrestrials are out there, why can we not assume they visited our planet in the past?

Today’s ancient astronauts’ article is about a strange, extremely old object discovered in New Zealand. Can the object offer evidence of an unknown lost highly advanced civilization that was present in New Zealand millions of years ago, or is the mysterious artifact not of this world?

It all started when children were playing on a beach. Suddenly, they accidentally stumbled upon something that seemed insignificant. The object really didn’t seem extraordinary at all, at least not at first sight.

However, when one of New Zealand’s leading geologists and other experts examined the object from the remote past, they were so baffled they didn’t know what to say. An author and researcher who was given the artifact is convinced the object is not of this world and was dropped on our world. Was it meant to be found by future generations?

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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