Unorthodox Ancient ‘Out-Of-This World’ Carvings Were Found And Destroyed – Mysterious Labyrinth And Unknown Ruins – Part 2

A. Sutherland - - From part 1, we already know why the Professor was convinced that his discovery was extraordinary and could expand our knowledge of ancient history.

The science team that accompanied him, followed on his next expedition. This time researchers came across traces of a lost, ancient city unknown to the outside world.

Unorthodox Ancient ‘Out-Of-This World’ Carvings Were Found And Destroyed - Mysterious Labyrinth And Unknown Ruins - Part 2

Who were the creators of the mysterious labyrinth and what was the meaning of these bizarre “alien” carvings found on the walls? Studies showed the carvings were very old, and the engraved figures did not depict ordinary humans.

We ask once again – Could the Professor’s discovery be considered one of the earliest evidence of extraterrestrial contact?

Could this be the reason why the ancient sites were destroyed?

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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