Mysterious Ancient Vanished Civilization With Unusual Physical Characteristics – Survivors Of The World’s First Race? – Part 1

A. Sutherland - - Many years ago a fascinating ancient, sacred statue was found on a small island. The statue depicted a man, but there was something strange about his appearance. His unusual look was explained by experts telling us he had been made in the image of an enlightened man, and there are no reasons to doubt this, but there is a problem.

Examinations of this statue revealed that ancient people were more mobile than previously thought and trade between various civilizations occurred frequently, and something even more astonishing.

Mysterious Ancient Vanished Civilization With Unusual Physical Characteristics - Survivors Of The World's First Race? - Part 1

Can we find evidence of the survivors of the world's first race? Credit: Adobe Stock - liuzishan

There would be no reason to discuss the discovery of this ancient statue if it hadn’t been for the fact that depictions of similar beings were found in other parts of the world.

Suddenly it became clear that this particular ancient figure provided us with a fascinating link between civilizations separated by many miles and thousands of years. How could ancient civilizations unaware of each other’s existence possess knowledge of a mysterious race of people who were so unusual in their appearance?

Was there was in the distant past a universal ancient civilization that was present in different corners of the world? Why do certain ancient texts describe a completely unknown vanished race we know almost nothing about?

Who were these beings? Where did they come from? What happened to them? Could these accounts and enigmatic, enormous statues be an everlasting memory of the survivors of the world's first race?

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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