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Mysterious Ancient Tomb Reveals ‘Impossible’ Cosmic Connection – Wrong Identity – Part 1


Ellen Lloyd - - When it comes to ancient history, we have seen on several occasions the line between what is impossible and not is thin. There are ancient places, artifacts, and some unusual historical events modern science has failed to explain.

This doesn’t necessarily mean there are no adequate and rational explanations to some of the strangest things we have encountered when examined our ancient past. Still, while searching for the truth, we must remain open-minded and explore all possibilities no matter how far-fetched they may seem to some people.

Mysterious Ancient Tomb Reveals 'Impossible' Cosmic Connection - Wrong Identity - Part 1

Theories that may appear silly at first can hold vital clues to what happened on our planet in the distant past.

Today we will discuss one example of what can be considered an “impossible” discovery. Maybe there is nothing impossible about it all. Maybe we simply refuse to recognize our ancestors’ close connection with outer space.

Many years ago, archaeologists discovered an unusual tomb that contained the remains of a person whose identity raised a heated debate. This archaeological finding is still a puzzle because not only was the tomb found in the wrong place, but it also contained “someone” who may have had a connection to the cosmos.

Can mysterious inscriptions in the crypt shed light on this ancient mystery?

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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