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Traces Of An Ancient Near East Civilization In America – Lost Tribes And Unorthodox Discoveries – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd - - By now most know Christopher Columbus was not the first to reach America. Many ancient civilizations crossed the oceans and reached America long before him. Who actually came first is naturally still a hot, unsettled topic. Still, it has been suggested the Vikings, Chinese, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Celts, and Sumerians visited America long before Columbus.

Petroglyphs, ancient monuments, and stone carvings clearly show that Native American Indians came in contact with a number of ancient civilizations from across the sea.  No, Columbus was certainly not the first. He only re-discovered a land that was already known to other sophisticated ancient civilizations.

Today, it’s time to explore some perplexing ancient mysteries and highly controversial ancient treasures. In recent years, more researchers are willing to admit that people from the Middle East reached the New World long before Columbus or the Vikings.

Can some of the puzzling, unorthodox inscriptions we discuss today offer evidence an advanced, rarely mentioned ancient civilization from the Near East reached the shores of the North and South American continents thousands of years before Columbus?

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