Mysterious Biblical Celestial City And Its Connection To The North Star – Nonhuman Hands – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd - - This time our Biblical mystery deals with the startling description of a celestial city and its puzzling connection to the North Star.

In the Bible, we are told about a marvelous celestial city and a heavenly house. The Scriptures inform certain “constructions” were not made by human hands. Was the celestial city originally the home of the sons of Gods who traveled through space? Who built the celestial city and why is it important to the future of humankind and our planet Earth?

Mysterious Biblical Celestial City And Its Connection To The North Star - Nonhuman Hands - Part 1

The Bible is the most prophetic book ever written. Throughout the Scriptures we encounter as many as 737 prophecies and making sense of them all is a challenge indeed.

Many Christians are familiar with the writings of the Gospels and Epistles, but the Book of Revelation is often ignored or maybe just forgotten. This is perhaps not so surprising because the Book of Revelation has long been a closed book and frankly even Biblical scholars have certain difficulties understanding it.

It’s true that the Book of Revelation contains prophecies about the future, but it also provides us with incredible information concerning life in space, the secrets of the Universe, the true nature of the sons of God, Jesus, and of course God himself.

Everything written in the Bible is open to interpretation and nothing is set in stone. When you read certain passages from the Book of Revelation a couple of times you suddenly realize that just when you thought you understood nothing, everything becomes crystal clear once you look at the story from a different perspective.

Now let us investigate the mysterious celestial city, the strange gates, the multiple heavens, and the riddle of the North Star.

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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