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Mystery Of The Hidden Wooden Hieroglyphic Tablets And The Unknown White Bearded Men – The Vatican – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd - - Why would someone deliberately remove all evidence of a long-gone civilization?

Throughout history, traces of mysterious dead civilizations have been erased regularly. Historical records and unusual archaeological discoveries have been destroyed or kept at secret locations where the public has been denied access. Magnificent ancient structures have been demolished, sacred ancient books have been burnt, anomalous ancient skeletons have vanished into thin air after being unearthed, and out-of-place artifacts have been stored at museums where ordinary visitors are not welcome.

We are not discussing the occasional incident of strange disappearances of historical evidence offering proof of an unknown, highly advanced ancient civilization that was present worldwide thousands of years ago. On the contrary. Traces of this mysterious ancient master race have been erased repeatedly, but fortunately, some evidence has survived and can be studied.

As previously mentioned in one of our articles, manuscripts in the Vatican Library in Rome contain information about mysterious ancient races in America. The enigmatic ancient civilizations have never been described in our history books.

For obvious reasons of policy, only excerpts of these ancient documents have been revealed to the public.

A long time ago, mysterious, ancient wooden tablets covered with hieroglyphs were discovered. The objects were found at the “wrong” place far from Egypt. Information on the wooden tablets could have shed light on one of the most mysterious ancient places in the world, but someone was eager to prevent us from learning the truth about our past. Most of the wooden tablets were burned or smashed to pieces, but some were transported to the Vatican Library, which houses many secrets.

Could the wooden tablets, along with other archaeological discoveries, shed light on the unknown ancient master race that is mentioned in myths and legends worldwide? Who were these advanced people whose existence some refuse to accept? What did they accomplish in various countries? Why are some so eager to prevent us from learning more about this particular race?

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Vatican Secrets – Dangerous Knowledge And Invention That Could Alter History

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