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Evidence Ancient Civilizations Had Knowledge About Planets In Our Solar System Thousand Years Ago

Ellen Lloyd - - We often think of ancient civilizations that existed before us as being less sophisticated.

However, many discoveries offer evidence that our ancestors were scientifically and technologically very advanced. In some cases, their broad knowledge was superior to ours.

Were ancient civilizations familiar with the heliocentric system long before Nicolaus Copernicus? Credit: Ulia Koltyrina - Adobe Stock

There are certain ancient discoveries that could rewrite the history of science. Discovered artifacts and old texts provide us with solid evidence that ancient civilizations had a vast knowledge about planets in our solar system thousand years ago.

Scientists who examined this evidence say there is doubt about it, ancient cultures knew much more about astronomy than previously thought.

What modern astronomers have recently discovered were facts ancient people were long familiar with, but what kind of sophisticated prehistoric technology did our ancestors rely on?

Why was this prehistoric technology forgotten and, in some cases, kept secret?

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