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Where Is The 12,000-Year-Old Map That Could Change All We Know About Ancient Egypt Hidden?

Ellen Lloyd - - Though it’s today difficult to imagine the Sahara and parts of Egypt not being covered by sand, there is enough scientific evidence this region of the world had a completely different landscape thousands of years ago.

What changed the green Sahara into a desert is still a subject scientists investigate, but there are of course many theories.

About 8,000 to 10,000 years ago a major climate shift took place. It was caused by a variation in the angle of the tilt of the Earth and the shape of its orbit.

As we keep searching for traces of the lost ancient civilization of Sahara, we make many interesting discoveries that challenge our understanding of the ancient world.

It has never been officially confirmed, but it’s possible there are large unknown structures hidden beneath the sand in Egypt. Some years ago, an independent researcher suggested satellite images reveal intriguing and mysterious structures in the Sahara desert. The constructions are either damaged pyramids or antediluvian remains.

As discussed previously, ancient Egyptians were always reluctant to share some of their deepest secrets which is why it is so difficult to unravel what took place in the country before some of the most famous pharaohs came to power. However, we do know there are some very ancient manuscripts that give us some clues about those mysterious beings who were present in Egypt before the pharaohs.

We also have reason to suspect there is an over-looked ancient in secret in Sahara, but the land of the pyramids has many more mysteries that are still unsolved.

Wouldn’t it be of great historical importance to know what exactly Egypt looked like before sand covered much of the land?

Many years ago, while participating in an expedition, a priest gave a man a map. This was no ordinary map. What was depicted on the map was extraordinary and the information could easily re-write the history of ancient Egypt as we know it.

Some researchers think the map gives an overview of Egypt as the country looked about 12,000-years ago. What is most intriguing is that many ancient statues we admire in Egypt today are present on this perplexing map. Basically, the map shows a green Pre-dynastic Egypt.

Needless to say, it’s a priceless ancient document many historians and independent researchers would like to study. The information the map provides us with could be of great interest to the public, but there is one obstacle we cannot overcome. No-one knows where the map is hidden!

Is the 12,000-year-old Egyptian map hidden at the Vatican or protected by a secret society that does not want to make the document public?

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