Ancient Manuscript In Museum Reveals Discovery Of Objects Unknown To Modern Science – Why Were The Ancient Time Capsules Hidden? – Part 3

Ellen Lloyd - - There are many reasons why an advanced civilization can decide to conceal its precious treasures and extraordinary invention, but why were these particular time capsules hidden? We are not discussing one but dozens of ancient time capsules that according to Coptic sources contain the most extraordinary objects one can imagine.

Ancient Manuscript In Museum Reveals Discovery Of Objects Unknown To Modern Science - Why Were The Ancient Time Capsules Hidden? - Part 3

In part 1 we talked about how a group of explorers accidentally stumbled upon mysterious tunnels leading to a chamber where they found a very peculiar object. Something strange happened to one of the team members who lost his mind and behaved in the most curious manner. In part 2 we discussed Coptic secrets that shed light on part of this ancient mystery. Now, it’s time to move on and explore more ancient objects unknown to modern science.

This brings us to another fascinating old artifact that ancient sources tell was once part of a vast ancient time capsule that consisted of many extraordinary treasures.  Knowledge of this baffling ancient invention may have been known to another prehistoric civilization that attempted to reproduce a similar object, but tragic events led to the destruction of the artifact.

Read part 1

Read part 2

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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