Strange Ancient Abduction Case And Mysterious Journey To A Snake King’s Palace In A Parallel World

Ellen Lloyd - Sacred ancient texts are filled with remarkable accounts describing individuals who came in contact with unknown technology. Our ancestors left behind stories of people and events that baffle or modern minds because we cannot understand how specific incidents could have transpired.

Strange Ancient Abduction Case And Mysterious Journey To A Snake King's Palace In A Parallel World

Who are we to judge what our ancestors witnessed? Depending on our level of open-mindness we can either embrace these mysterious ancient accounts with curiosity and eagerness to learn more or dismiss them as pure fantasies of the ancient world.  The choice lies within each and one of us, but the fact remains, we can never say with certainty what happened thousands of years ago because we were not present at the site of these events.

We tend to underestimate our ancestors’ technological abilities, not giving them enough credit because we have difficulties accepting they were, in some cases, more advanced than our modern society. We cannot accept the possibility ancient people may have come in contact with ‘not of this world’ beings because we have not found definite, official proof of extraterrestrial life. Perhaps when reading about the most perplexing ancient stories documented by our ancestors, we should understand they may have known more about life in the Universe than we do.

Many sacred ancient books contain remarkable accounts of beings who suddenly vanished into thin air before suddenly reappearing out of nowhere in a distant location, a place they had never seen before. How do we explain such ancient cases? Are these ancient accounts of teleportation, abduction by unknown alien forces, or fantasies?

Today’s ancient mystery deals with a baffling ancient abduction by an individual who was abducted for a specific reason. How could this suddenly vanishing and enter an unknown world that was so different from ours? One possible explanation may shed light on this peculiar abduction incident that our ancestors have documented.

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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