Seti I – Remarkable Pharaoh Who Saved The Kingdom Of Egypt And Gave It New Glory

Ellen Lloyd - - Greatly overshadowed by his son, Ramesses II, today hailed as the greatest Pharaoh of all time, Seti I did more for ancient Egypt than most realize. Pharaoh Seti I reigned for only ten or possibly fifteen years, but his deeds and accomplishments equaled those of a much longer reign.

Seti I - Remarkable Pharaoh Who Saved The Kingdom Of Egypt And Gave It New Glory

Few rulers would envy the problems Seti I faced when he ascended the throne in 1290 B.C. (or 1294 B.C., according to some historians). The new Pharaoh became the ruler of a weak kingdom. Many great ancient Egyptian temples were partly ruined, and foreign enemies had their eyes on Egypt, considering it an easy military target. Egypt is doomed if the new Pharaoh fails to conquer the hostile neighboring kingdoms.

Nevertheless, Seti I did what was expected of him, and perhaps even more. Against all odds, he saved the kingdom of Egypt and gave it new life, but how did he accomplish this?

If we look through modern eyes, it is easy to say that Pharaoh Seti I was brutal and cruel. He did not hesitate to execute many prisoners before Amun and later memorialized his successful military campaign on temple walls. When Seti I lived, this was a standard procedure, and Pharaoh Seti did what every Egyptian king would have done.

So, who was this Pharaoh who reigned for a brief period and accomplished so much? Why was Seti I one of the greatest figures in the history of Egypt?

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