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Birds – Mysterious Avian Messengers That Symbolized Bridge Between Humans And Gods In World Beliefs


A. Sutherland  - - Birds have always been important in the mythologies of many cultures worldwide. Almost all beliefs of ancient people have myths and legends associated with these mysterious creatures that could be very close to both humans and gods.

Birds - Mysterious Avian Messengers That Symbolized Bridge Between Humans And Gods In World Beliefs

Birds have symbolized the higher realms, as shown in many myths and legends.

The Greek goddess, Aphrodite is closely associated with different types of waterfowl, including a beautiful swan, due to her connections to the sea. On the other hand, the swan is closely connected with the ancient motif of the winged phallus, and the two emphasize the goddess's role as the protector of love affairs.

In the beliefs of the Ibans (or Sea Dayaks) on the island of Borneo in South East Asia, the first beings were the spirits Ara and Irik, who appeared in the disguise of birds. Traveling through the cosmic waters, they produced two eggs and created a sky from one and the other, the earth.

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