Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Our attempts to unravel mysteries of the past often lead to strange places we never thought could have existed. When we examine ancient texts and thought-provoking theories, we realize our ancient history could be even more complicated than previously thought.
This time we will focus our attention on lost continents, islands and mysterious races few have heard anything about. Did these people exist? Are they a work of fiction? Were these highly advanced civilizations destroyed during cataclysms? Can this perplexing story give us glimpses of the future?
We will, as always approach the subject with an open mind, and at the end, we leave our readers with the option to decide what to think of this unusual story. We are now going on a very long journey traveling back millions of years into the past, to a time when Earth as we know it was a much different place. We will then be moving forward and exploring how continents and unknown races emerged and what may have happened to them. The unusual theory we examine in this article states it is possible to gain knowledge of future events by studying the past.
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Forbidden High-Tech Knowledge Of A Controversial Ancient Lost Super Race