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Full-Sized Model Of Noah’s Ark Created In The U.S. To Show People The Evolution Theory Is False


Conny Waters - AncientPages-com - An unusual exhibition is taking place in Kentucky, USA. Backed by the Ark Encounter and the associated Creation Museum a full-sized Ark of Noah is on display for people to promote the belief that God literally created the Earth in six days around 4,000 B.C. Tourists from all over the country are rushing to the site, eager to see the large boat deliberately set up to debunk the theory of evolution.

Full-Sized Model Of Noah's Ark Created In The U.S. To Show People The Evolution Theory Is False

The replica of Noah's Ark in Kentucky is in keeping with its supposed Biblical measurements: 150 meters (510 feet) long, 15 meters (51 feet) high, and 25 meters (85 feet) wide. Credit: AFP

"Evangelical Christians flock to see the spectacular staging and sharp denunciations of scientific facts such as that dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago.

Visitors also reflect America's divided politics as the country heads into midterm elections, with creationists often aligned with the Republican Party on issues such as abortion and gay rights.

"Dinosaurs are often used by evolutionists to proclaim their worldview. So we've taken the dinosaurs back, if you will," said Mark Looy, cofounder of the ark amusement park and the museum.

Standing a few steps from a model of an allosaurus skeleton, Looy said the site offers a different view of dinosaurs—that "most of them perished during the flood about 4,500 years ago.

The museum opened in 2007 in Petersburg, Kentucky, financed by a donation campaign and supported by Answers in Genesis, a group that believes in strict creationism.

The Ark Encounter opened in 2016 about 70 kilometers (45 miles) away in Williamstown, and contains a replica of Noah's Ark in keeping with its supposed Biblical measurements—150 meters (510 feet) long, 15 meters (51 feet) high, and 25 meters (85 feet) wide," the AFP reports.

Nowadays, there is often a political agenda behind many exhibitions and in this case, Noah's Ark may influence voters in the coming on elections on November 8.  It is difficult to say how many people are strict creationists. "According to a 2019 Gallup survey, 40 percent of Americans believe God created man less than 10,000 years ago," the AFP reports.

However, Adam Laats, a historian at Binghamton University in New York and author of the book "Creationism USA said other polls reveal about 15 percent reject the theory of evolution.

As reported by the AFP, "calling oneself a creationist in the United States is more "an identifying mark of a much broader cultural divide," he said.

"Someone would go and say, 'Oh, I guess I'm a creationist because I don't like pornography, I don't want abortion rights, and I don't want LGBTQ rights.'"

Laats said decades of conflict over which institutions in the United States are trustworthy—ranging from justice and politics to science and the media—has created "radically different ideas about truth and reality."

The full-sized Noah's Ark exhibition is about more than science. It concerns social and private life as well.

"Two camps confront each other: "Man's world," associated with "abortion" or "gay marriage," versus "God's word," synonymous with "marriage" and "sanctity of life."

The mix of religion, activism and entertainment is also evident at the museum's Garden of Eden.

How it all began? A display of the Garden of Eden at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. Credit: AFP

After strolling through a bucolic landscape with Adam and Eve, visitors arrive in a screening room with projected black and white photos of the Holocaust, drug addicts and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

To reinforce the message, big letters spell out: "Rejection of God's word led to corruption." Some visitors, such as Peggy Mast, a 74-year-old woman from Kansas, for example, says "chaos reigns" in America, where "people are now committing anarchy with the acceptance of the administration of our government."

So the museum is "a wonderful place to reaffirm the very things that we know about God," she added.

No doubt, the exhibition of Noah's Ark will gather admires just as much as haters, depending on a person's scientific, religious, social and political inclinations.

Written by Conny Waters - Staff Writer

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