Mystery Of The Large Ancient Boulders In Ireland And Britain – Possible Connection To The City Of Troy?

Ellen Lloyd - - Many years ago, a large granite boulder was found in Ireland. It is one of many intriguing ancient stones in the country, except that this one poses a true prehistoric mystery.

Mystery Of The Large Ancient Boulders In Ireland And Britain - Possible Connection To The City Of Troy?

The prehistoric boulder is decorated with a curious motif, but closer investigation reveals an important detail is missing. An archaeologist who examined the boulder says only one more rock with the same but reversed design can be found in Britain. Are these two ancient stones pieces of something much bigger awaiting discovery?

Is there an unknown ancient connection between these two prehistoric stones? It has been suggested the clues to this mystery may be found in the ancient city of Troy. Another possibility is that the two stones and the design have an entirely different meaning than most think.

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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