Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - People in the past were as curious as we are about foreign lands, unknown cultures, and races. Of course, today, we can get information by buying a book, searching for answers on the internet, or, if lucky, even traveling to that part of the world that piqued our curiosity.
Our ancestors did not have the same opportunities, and confusion often arose when they came in contact with puzzling foreign individuals.
When ancient and Medieval people started to travel, they spotted exotic beings. Suddenly, many reported sightings and close encounters with the most unusual beings. Who were these peculiar individuals? Were they a product of imagination, an unknown race, or something entirely different?
In this article, we take an in-depth look at some mysterious encounters, and you can judge who or what startled people in the past.
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See also:
Mysterious Unknown Strange-Looking Ancient Seafarers – Survivors Of A Now Vanished Race?
Mystery Of The Ancient Unknown Mining Civilization In North America - Part 1 - 2