Terracina – Ancient City Where Mythology And History Meet

A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - Most tourists admire Terracina as a seaside resort. Unfortunately, they do not even imagine the ancient town's historical past and archaeological heritage left by the long-gone generations.

Terracina - Ancient City Where Mythology And History Meet

In ancient times, Terracina was the city called 'Tarracina,' a name that suggests it dates from when the Etruscans ruled the area.

Terracina, a historical town in the Lazio (Latium) region, south-central Italy, is situated between Rome and Naples, on the Gulf of Gaeta (an inlet of the Tyrrhenian Sea) at the foot of the Ausoni Mountains.

During the 600s BC, it joined the Etruscan League of Twelve Cities. A cosmopolitan Roman city with successfully developed trade, Terracina was also particularly attractive because of its strategic location on the water at the foot of the mountains.

There was a time when Terracina was even more important as the Via Appia (one of the earliest and strategically most important Roman roads of the ancient republic and a main route for military supplies for the Roman conquest of southern Italy in 312 BC). Later, Terracina has been ruled by powerful Roman families.

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