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Legend Of Milky Way’s Celestial Portal And The Star City From The Bowuzhi By Zhang Hua

Ellen Lloyd - - The beautiful legend of the Milky Way's celestial portal is one of many fascinating old stories found in the book Bowuzhi, written by Zhang Hua (232-300 C.E.), a Chinese poet and politician of the Western Jin dynasty.

The intriguing book Bowuzhi is an anthology of short narratives compiled in an encyclopedic format. Primarily, the Bowuzhi documents accounts of unusual occurrences and supernatural phenomena, earning it the title as the precursor to the Song Dynasty's (960–1127 C.E.) encyclopedia, Taiping Guangji.

The content ranges from geographical reports and historical figures to peculiar flora and fauna and folklore involving fairies, deities and immortals. Most of these stories are derived from diverse ancient sources, such as geographical dissertations, biographies of historical figures or records about extraordinary plants and animals.

The Raft In The Sky

The legend of Milky's Ways celestial portal is almost like a Song Dynasty science fiction story.

The legend tells the Milky Way is connected with the sea. As it happened, a man who lived on an island on the sea noticed that every year in August, "there was a raft which came floating by, and that it never failed to come at the expected time." 1

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