A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - Aillén Mac Midgna, known as 'the burner,' was a fire-breathing goblin. He represented the other world and was a member of the magical tribe known as Tuatha Dé Danann. He targeted his victims by playing fairy music from his magical harp, causing them to fall into a deep sleep.
Every year during the Great Assembly, the Irish King (in English: Conn of the Hundred Battles') enlarged the number of men guarding the royal city, but in vain.
Still, the goblin managed to enter the area within the outer gates, and nobody recognized him. Moving promptly towards the palace, Aillén Mac Midgna could devastate the royal building with its flaming breath. He terrorized Ireland's most sacred location, the hill of Tara, the seat of Ireland's High King. It was an ancient ceremonial and burial site in County Meath, Ireland.
This happened every Samhain Eve for twenty-three years until Fionn of the Fianna conquered Aillén and killed him. Aillén appeared in Tara and played the Irish harp enthusiastically, causing everyone in the immediate area to fall asleep under his spell. He was aware that no one could resist the devastating influence of his music.
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